Sunday, February 23, 2014

A New Direction to my Research

Last week I spoke with Dr. Berger about the future direction of my research. We both came to the conclusion that I should spend more time reading the Pan American Bulletin from the year 1907-1915, the years John Barrett was director of the Pan American Union. In these bulletins, I am looking for mentions of the Pan American men’s club based in New York in addition to evidence of John Barrett furthering a peaceful trade and cultural hegemon in Latin America. To be honest, the search is slow going but not without success. In the bulletin, special attention is always given to US trade gains in specific Latin American countries and the decline of European trade share. Also special detail is always given when a US bank loans money to a Latin America country, European loans are mentioned offhandedly. Essay contests and other such exchanges between Latin America and the United States are also given honorable mention. It is becoming apparent to me that John Barrett used the Pan American Bulletin to confirm and further a US led American hegemony.

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